/** * fullPage 2.5.4 * https://github.com/alvarotrigo/fullPage.js * MIT licensed * * Copyright (C) 2013 alvarotrigo.com - A project by Alvaro Trigo */ (function(b) { b.fn.fullpage = function(c) { function pa(a) { a.find(".fp-slides").after('
'); "#fff" != c.controlArrowColor && (a.find(".fp-controlArrow.fp-next").css("border-color", "transparent transparent transparent " + c.controlArrowColor), a.find(".fp-controlArrow.fp-prev").css("border-color", "transparent " + c.controlArrowColor + " transparent transparent")); c.loopHorizontal || a.find(".fp-controlArrow.fp-prev").hide() } function qa() { b("body").append('
'); k = b("#fp-nav"); k.css("color", c.navigationColor); k.addClass(c.navigationPosition); for (var a = 0; a < b(".fp-section").length; a++) { var d = ""; c.anchors.length && (d = c.anchors[a]); var d = '
  • ', e = c.navigationTooltips[a]; void 0 != e && "" != e && (d += '
    ' + e + "
    "); d += "
  • "; k.find("ul").append(d) } } function R() { b(".fp-section").each(function() { var a = b(this).find(".fp-slide"); a.length ? a.each(function() { y(b(this)) }) : y(b(this)) }); b.isFunction(c.afterRender) && c.afterRender.call(this) } function S() { if (!c.autoScrolling || c.scrollBar) { var a = b(window).scrollTop(), d = 0, e = Math.abs(a - b(".fp-section").first().offset().top); b(".fp-section").each(function(c) { var f = Math.abs(a - b(this).offset().top); f < e && (d = c, e = f) }); var f = b(".fp-section").eq(d) } if (!c.autoScrolling && !f.hasClass("active")) { F = !0; var ra = b(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section") + 1, g = G(f), h = f.data("anchor"), k = f.index(".fp-section") + 1, l = f.find(".fp-slide.active"); if (l.length) var n = l.data("anchor"), t = l.index(); f.addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); m || (b.isFunction(c.onLeave) && c.onLeave.call(this, ra, k, g), b.isFunction(c.afterLoad) && c.afterLoad.call(this, h, k)); H(h, 0); c.anchors.length && !m && (p = h, I(t, n, h, k)); clearTimeout(T); T = setTimeout(function() { F = !1 }, 100) } c.scrollBar && (clearTimeout(U), U = setTimeout(function() { m || q(f) }, 1E3)) } function V(a) { return scrollable = a.find(".fp-slides").length ? a.find(".fp-slide.active").find(".fp-scrollable") : a.find(".fp-scrollable") } function z(a, d) { if (l[a]) { if ("down" == a) var c = "bottom", f = b.fn.fullpage.moveSectionDown; else c = "top", f = b.fn.fullpage.moveSectionUp; if (0 < d.length) if (c = "top" === c ? !d.scrollTop() : "bottom" === c ? d.scrollTop() + 1 + d.innerHeight() >= d[0].scrollHeight: void 0, c) f(); else return ! 0; else f() } } function sa(a) { var d = a.originalEvent; if (!W(a.target)) { c.autoScrolling && !c.scrollBar && a.preventDefault(); a = b(".fp-section.active"); var e = V(a); m || t || (d = X(d), u = d.y, A = d.x, a.find(".fp-slides").length && Math.abs(B - A) > Math.abs(v - u) ? Math.abs(B - A) > b(window).width() / 100 * c.touchSensitivity && (B > A ? l.right && b.fn.fullpage.moveSlideRight() : l.left && b.fn.fullpage.moveSlideLeft()) : c.autoScrolling && !c.scrollBar && Math.abs(v - u) > b(window).height() / 100 * c.touchSensitivity && (v > u ? z("down", e) : u > v && z("up", e))) } } function W(a, d) { d = d || 0; var e = b(a).parent(); return d < c.normalScrollElementTouchThreshold && e.is(c.normalScrollElements) ? !0 : d == c.normalScrollElementTouchThreshold ? !1 : W(e, ++d) } function ta(a) { a = X(a.originalEvent); v = a.y; B = a.x } function r(a) { if (c.autoScrolling) { a = window.event || a; var d = Math.max( - 1, Math.min(1, a.wheelDelta || -a.deltaY || -a.detail)); c.scrollBar && (a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1); a = b(".fp-section.active"); a = V(a); m || (0 > d ? z("down", a) : z("up", a)); return ! 1 } } function Y(a) { var d = b(".fp-section.active").find(".fp-slides"); if (d.length && !t) { var e = d.find(".fp-slide.active"), f = null, f = "prev" === a ? e.prev(".fp-slide") : e.next(".fp-slide"); if (!f.length) { if (!c.loopHorizontal) return; f = "prev" === a ? e.siblings(":last") : e.siblings(":first") } t = !0; w(d, f) } } function Z() { b(".fp-slide.active").each(function() { J(b(this)) }) } function q(a, d, e) { var f = a.position(); if ("undefined" !== typeof f && (d = { element: a, callback: d, isMovementUp: e, dest: f, dtop: f.top, yMovement: G(a), anchorLink: a.data("anchor"), sectionIndex: a.index(".fp-section"), activeSlide: a.find(".fp-slide.active"), activeSection: b(".fp-section.active"), leavingSection: b(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section") + 1, localIsResizing: x }, !(d.activeSection.is(a) && !x || c.scrollBar && b(window).scrollTop() === d.dtop))) { if (d.activeSlide.length) var g = d.activeSlide.data("anchor"), h = d.activeSlide.index(); c.autoScrolling && c.continuousVertical && "undefined" !== typeof d.isMovementUp && (!d.isMovementUp && "up" == d.yMovement || d.isMovementUp && "down" == d.yMovement) && (d.isMovementUp ? b(".fp-section.active").before(d.activeSection.nextAll(".fp-section")) : b(".fp-section.active").after(d.activeSection.prevAll(".fp-section").get().reverse()), n(b(".fp-section.active").position().top), Z(), d.wrapAroundElements = d.activeSection, d.dest = d.element.position(), d.dtop = d.dest.top, d.yMovement = G(d.element)); a.addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); m = !0; I(h, g, d.anchorLink, d.sectionIndex); b.isFunction(c.onLeave) && !d.localIsResizing && c.onLeave.call(this, d.leavingSection, d.sectionIndex + 1, d.yMovement); ua(d); p = d.anchorLink; c.autoScrolling && H(d.anchorLink, d.sectionIndex) } } /* function ua(a) { if (c.css3 && c.autoScrolling && !c.scrollBar) aa("translate3d(0px, -" + a.dtop + "px, 0px)", !0), setTimeout(function() { ba(a) }, c.scrollingSpeed); else { var d = va(a); b(d.element).animate(d.options, c.scrollingSpeed, c.easing).promise().done(function() { ba(a) }) } }*/ function ua(a) { if (c.css3 && c.autoScrolling && !c.scrollBar) { if (a.anchorLink == 'footerl'){ //当滚屏到最后一屏时间       footer_a = $('#c_portalResProduct_list-16286817654234558').height();//倒数第二屏的高度       footer_h = $('#w_grid-1627895483669').height(); //footer的高度        var translate3d = 'translate3d(0px, -' + (a.dtop - footer_a + footer_h) + 'px, 0px)';      }else{       var translate3d = 'translate3d(0px, -' + a.dtop + 'px, 0px)';     }     aa(translate3d, true); //aa("translate3d(0px, -" + a.dtop + "px, 0px)", !0), setTimeout(function() { ba(a); }, c.scrollingSpeed); } else { var d = va(a);     $(d.element).animate(       d.options, c.scrollingSpeed, c.easing).promise().done(function () { //only one single callback in case of animating `html, body`       ba(a);      }); } } function va(a) { var b = {}; c.autoScrolling && !c.scrollBar ? (b.options = { top: -a.dtop }, b.element = "." + ca) : (b.options = { scrollTop: a.dtop }, b.element = "html, body"); return b } function wa(a) { a.wrapAroundElements && a.wrapAroundElements.length && (a.isMovementUp ? b(".fp-section:first").before(a.wrapAroundElements) : b(".fp-section:last").after(a.wrapAroundElements), n(b(".fp-section.active").position().top), Z()) } function ba(a) { wa(a); b.isFunction(c.afterLoad) && !a.localIsResizing && c.afterLoad.call(this, a.anchorLink, a.sectionIndex + 1); setTimeout(function() { m = !1; b.isFunction(a.callback) && a.callback.call(this) }, 600) } function da() { if (!F) { var a = window.location.hash.replace("#", "").split("/"), b = a[0], a = a[1]; if (b.length) { var c = "undefined" === typeof p, f = "undefined" === typeof p && "undefined" === typeof a && !t; (b && b !== p && !c || f || !t && K != a) && L(b, a) } } } function w(a, d) { var e = d.position(), f = a.find(".fp-slidesContainer").parent(), g = d.index(), h = a.closest(".fp-section"), k = h.index(".fp-section"), l = h.data("anchor"), n = h.find(".fp-slidesNav"), m = d.data("anchor"), q = x; if (c.onSlideLeave) { var p = h.find(".fp-slide.active").index(), r; r = p == g ? "none": p > g ? "left": "right"; q || "none" === r || b.isFunction(c.onSlideLeave) && c.onSlideLeave.call(this, l, k + 1, p, r) } d.addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); "undefined" === typeof m && (m = g); ! c.loopHorizontal && c.controlArrows && (h.find(".fp-controlArrow.fp-prev").toggle(0 != g), h.find(".fp-controlArrow.fp-next").toggle(!d.is(":last-child"))); h.hasClass("active") && I(g, m, l, k); var u = function() { q || b.isFunction(c.afterSlideLoad) && c.afterSlideLoad.call(this, l, k + 1, m, g); t = !1 }; c.css3 ? (e = "translate3d(-" + e.left + "px, 0px, 0px)", ea(a.find(".fp-slidesContainer"), 0 < c.scrollingSpeed).css(fa(e)), setTimeout(function() { u() }, c.scrollingSpeed, c.easing)) : f.animate({ scrollLeft: e.left }, c.scrollingSpeed, c.easing, function() { u() }); n.find(".active").removeClass("active"); n.find("li").eq(g).find("a").addClass("active") } function ga() { ha(); if (C) { if ("text" !== b(document.activeElement).attr("type")) { var a = b(window).height(); Math.abs(a - M) > 20 * Math.max(M, a) / 100 && (b.fn.fullpage.reBuild(!0), M = a) } } else clearTimeout(ia), ia = setTimeout(function() { b.fn.fullpage.reBuild(!0) }, 500) } function ha() { if (c.responsive) { var a = g.hasClass("fp-responsive"); b(window).width() < c.responsive ? a || (b.fn.fullpage.setAutoScrolling(!1, "internal"), b("#fp-nav").hide(), g.addClass("fp-responsive")) : a && (b.fn.fullpage.setAutoScrolling(N.autoScrolling, "internal"), b("#fp-nav").show(), g.removeClass("fp-responsive")) } } function ea(a) { var b = "all " + c.scrollingSpeed + "ms " + c.easingcss3; a.removeClass("fp-notransition"); return a.css({ "-webkit-transition": b, transition: b }) } function O(a) { return a.addClass("fp-notransition") } function xa(a, d) { if (825 > a || 900 > d) { var c = Math.min(100 * a / 825, 100 * d / 900).toFixed(2); b("body").css("font-size", c + "%") } else b("body").css("font-size", "100%") } function H(a, d) { c.menu && (b(c.menu).find(".active").removeClass("active"), b(c.menu).find('[data-menuanchor="' + a + '"]').addClass("active")); c.navigation && (b("#fp-nav").find(".active").removeClass("active"), a ? b("#fp-nav").find('a[href="#' + a + '"]').addClass("active") : b("#fp-nav").find("li").eq(d).find("a").addClass("active")) } function G(a) { var d = b(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section"); a = a.index(".fp-section"); return d == a ? "none": d > a ? "up": "down" } function y(a) { a.css("overflow", "hidden"); var b = a.closest(".fp-section"), e = a.find(".fp-scrollable"); if (e.length) var f = e.get(0).scrollHeight; else f = a.get(0).scrollHeight, c.verticalCentered && (f = a.find(".fp-tableCell").get(0).scrollHeight); b = h - parseInt(b.css("padding-bottom")) - parseInt(b.css("padding-top")); f > b ? e.length ? e.css("height", b + "px").parent().css("height", b + "px") : (c.verticalCentered ? a.find(".fp-tableCell").wrapInner('
    ') : a.wrapInner('
    '), a.find(".fp-scrollable").slimScroll({ allowPageScroll: !0, height: b + "px", size: "10px", alwaysVisible: !0 })) : ja(a); a.css("overflow", "") } function ja(a) { a.find(".fp-scrollable").children().first().unwrap().unwrap(); a.find(".slimScrollBar").remove(); a.find(".slimScrollRail").remove() } function ka(a) { a.addClass("fp-table").wrapInner('
    ') } function la(a) { var b = h; if (c.paddingTop || c.paddingBottom) b = a, b.hasClass("fp-section") || (b = a.closest(".fp-section")), a = parseInt(b.css("padding-top")) + parseInt(b.css("padding-bottom")), b = h - a; return b } function aa(a, b) { b ? ea(g) : O(g); g.css(fa(a)); setTimeout(function() { g.removeClass("fp-notransition") }, 10) } function L(a, d) { "undefined" === typeof d && (d = 0); var c = isNaN(a) ? b('[data-anchor="' + a + '"]') : b(".fp-section").eq(a - 1); a === p || c.hasClass("active") ? ma(c, d) : q(c, function() { ma(c, d) }) } function ma(a, b) { if ("undefined" != typeof b) { var c = a.find(".fp-slides"), f = c.find('[data-anchor="' + b + '"]'); f.length || (f = c.find(".fp-slide").eq(b)); f.length && w(c, f) } } function ya(a, b) { a.append('
      '); var e = a.find(".fp-slidesNav"); e.addClass(c.slidesNavPosition); for (var f = 0; f < b; f++) e.find("ul").append('
    • '); e.css("margin-left", "-" + e.width() / 2 + "px"); e.find("li").first().find("a").addClass("active") } function I(a, b, e, f) { var g = ""; c.anchors.length ? (a ? ("undefined" !== typeof e && (g = e), "undefined" === typeof b && (b = a), K = b, na(g + "/" + b)) : ("undefined" !== typeof a && (K = b), na(e)), D(location.hash)) : "undefined" !== typeof a ? D(f + "-" + a) : D(String(f)) } function na(a) { if (c.recordHistory) location.hash = a; else if (C || P) history.replaceState(void 0, void 0, "#" + a); else { var b = window.location.href.split("#")[0]; window.location.replace(b + "#" + a) } } function D(a) { a = a.replace("/", "-").replace("#", ""); b("body")[0].className = b("body")[0].className.replace(/\b\s?fp-viewing-[^\s]+\b/g, ""); b("body").addClass("fp-viewing-" + a) } function za() { var a = document.createElement("p"), b, c = { webkitTransform: "-webkit-transform", OTransform: "-o-transform", msTransform: "-ms-transform", MozTransform: "-moz-transform", transform: "transform" }; document.body.insertBefore(a, null); for (var f in c) void 0 !== a.style[f] && (a.style[f] = "translate3d(1px,1px,1px)", b = window.getComputedStyle(a).getPropertyValue(c[f])); document.body.removeChild(a); return void 0 !== b && 0 < b.length && "none" !== b } function oa() { return window.PointerEvent ? { down: "pointerdown", move: "pointermove" }: { down: "MSPointerDown", move: "MSPointerMove" } } function X(a) { var b = []; b.y = "undefined" !== typeof a.pageY && (a.pageY || a.pageX) ? a.pageY: a.touches[0].pageY; b.x = "undefined" !== typeof a.pageX && (a.pageY || a.pageX) ? a.pageX: a.touches[0].pageX; return b } function J(a) { b.fn.fullpage.setScrollingSpeed(0, "internal"); w(a.closest(".fp-slides"), a); b.fn.fullpage.setScrollingSpeed(N.scrollingSpeed, "internal") } function n(a) { c.scrollBar ? g.scrollTop(a) : c.css3 ? aa("translate3d(0px, -" + a + "px, 0px)", !1) : g.css("top", -a) } function fa(a) { return { "-webkit-transform": a, "-moz-transform": a, "-ms-transform": a, transform: a } } function Aa() { n(0); b("#fp-nav, .fp-slidesNav, .fp-controlArrow").remove(); b(".fp-section").css({ height: "", "background-color": "", padding: "" }); b(".fp-slide").css({ width: "" }); g.css({ height: "", position: "", "-ms-touch-action": "", "touch-action": "" }); b(".fp-section, .fp-slide").each(function() { ja(b(this)); b(this).removeClass("fp-table active") }); O(g); O(g.find(".fp-easing")); g.find(".fp-tableCell, .fp-slidesContainer, .fp-slides").each(function() { b(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes) }); b("html, body").scrollTop(0) } function Q(a, b, e) { c[a] = b; "internal" !== e && (N[a] = b) } function E(a, b) { console && console[a] && console[a]("fullPage: " + b) } c = b.extend({ menu: !1, anchors: [], navigation: !1, navigationPosition: "right", navigationColor: "#000", navigationTooltips: [], slidesNavigation: !1, slidesNavPosition: "bottom", scrollBar: !1, css3: !0, scrollingSpeed: 700, autoScrolling: !0, easing: "easeInQuart", easingcss3: "ease", loopBottom: !1, loopTop: !1, loopHorizontal: !0, continuousVertical: !1, normalScrollElements: null, scrollOverflow: !1, touchSensitivity: 5, normalScrollElementTouchThreshold: 5, keyboardScrolling: !0, animateAnchor: !0, recordHistory: !0, controlArrows: !0, controlArrowColor: "#fff", verticalCentered: !0, resize: !0, sectionsColor: [], paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, fixedElements: null, responsive: 0, sectionSelector: ".section", slideSelector: ".slide", afterLoad: null, onLeave: null, afterRender: null, afterResize: null, afterReBuild: null, afterSlideLoad: null, onSlideLeave: null }, c); (function() { c.continuousVertical && (c.loopTop || c.loopBottom) && (c.continuousVertical = !1, E("warn", "Option `loopTop/loopBottom` is mutually exclusive with `continuousVertical`; `continuousVertical` disabled")); c.continuousVertical && c.scrollBar && (c.continuousVertical = !1, E("warn", "Option `scrollBar` is mutually exclusive with `continuousVertical`; `continuousVertical` disabled")); b.each(c.anchors, function(a, c) { (b("#" + c).length || b('[name="' + c + '"]').length) && E("error", "data-anchor tags can not have the same value as any `id` element on the site (or `name` element for IE).") }) })(); b.extend(b.easing, { easeInQuart: function(a, b, c, f, g) { return f * (b /= g) * b * b * b + c } }); b.fn.fullpage.setAutoScrolling = function(a, d) { Q("autoScrolling", a, d); var e = b(".fp-section.active"); c.autoScrolling && !c.scrollBar ? (b("html, body").css({ overflow: "hidden", height: "100%" }), b.fn.fullpage.setRecordHistory(c.recordHistory, "internal"), g.css({ "-ms-touch-action": "none", "touch-action": "none" }), e.length && n(e.position().top)) : (b("html, body").css({ overflow: "visible", height: "initial" }), b.fn.fullpage.setRecordHistory(!1, "internal"), g.css({ "-ms-touch-action": "", "touch-action": "" }), n(0), b("html, body").scrollTop(e.position().top)) }; b.fn.fullpage.setRecordHistory = function(a, b) { Q("recordHistory", a, b) }; b.fn.fullpage.setScrollingSpeed = function(a, b) { Q("scrollingSpeed", a, b) }; b.fn.fullpage.setMouseWheelScrolling = function(a) { a ? document.addEventListener ? (document.addEventListener("mousewheel", r, !1), document.addEventListener("wheel", r, !1)) : document.attachEvent("onmousewheel", r) : document.addEventListener ? (document.removeEventListener("mousewheel", r, !1), document.removeEventListener("wheel", r, !1)) : document.detachEvent("onmousewheel", r) }; b.fn.fullpage.setAllowScrolling = function(a, c) { if ("undefined" != typeof c) c = c.replace(" ", "").split(","), b.each(c, function(c, d) { switch (d) { case "up": l.up = a; break; case "down": l.down = a; break; case "left": l.left = a; break; case "right": l.right = a; break; case "all": b.fn.fullpage.setAllowScrolling(a) } }); else if (a) { if (b.fn.fullpage.setMouseWheelScrolling(!0), C || P) MSPointer = oa(), b(document).off("touchstart " + MSPointer.down).on("touchstart " + MSPointer.down, ta), b(document).off("touchmove " + MSPointer.move).on("touchmove " + MSPointer.move, sa) } else if (b.fn.fullpage.setMouseWheelScrolling(!1), C || P) MSPointer = oa(), b(document).off("touchstart " + MSPointer.down), b(document).off("touchmove " + MSPointer.move) }; b.fn.fullpage.setKeyboardScrolling = function(a) { c.keyboardScrolling = a }; b.fn.fullpage.moveSectionUp = function() { var a = b(".fp-section.active").prev(".fp-section"); a.length || !c.loopTop && !c.continuousVertical || (a = b(".fp-section").last()); a.length && q(a, null, !0) }; b.fn.fullpage.moveSectionDown = function() { var a = b(".fp-section.active").next(".fp-section"); a.length || !c.loopBottom && !c.continuousVertical || (a = b(".fp-section").first()); a.length && q(a, null, !1) }; b.fn.fullpage.moveTo = function(a, c) { var e = "", e = isNaN(a) ? b('[data-anchor="' + a + '"]') : b(".fp-section").eq(a - 1); "undefined" !== typeof c ? L(a, c) : 0 < e.length && q(e) }; b.fn.fullpage.moveSlideRight = function() { Y("next") }; b.fn.fullpage.moveSlideLeft = function() { Y("prev") }; b.fn.fullpage.reBuild = function(a) { x = !0; var d = b(window).width(); h = b(window).height(); c.resize && xa(h, d); b(".fp-section").each(function() { parseInt(b(this).css("padding-bottom")); parseInt(b(this).css("padding-top")); c.verticalCentered && b(this).find(".fp-tableCell").css("height", la(b(this)) + "px"); b(this).css("height", h + "px"); if (c.scrollOverflow) { var a = b(this).find(".fp-slide"); a.length ? a.each(function() { y(b(this)) }) : y(b(this)) } a = b(this).find(".fp-slides"); a.length && w(a, a.find(".fp-slide.active")) }); b(".fp-section.active").position(); d = b(".fp-section.active"); d.index(".fp-section") && q(d); x = !1; b.isFunction(c.afterResize) && a && c.afterResize.call(this); b.isFunction(c.afterReBuild) && !a && c.afterReBuild.call(this) }; var t = !1, C = navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry|BB10|Windows Phone|Tizen|Bada)/), P = "ontouchstart" in window || 0 < navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || navigator.maxTouchPoints, g = b(this), h = b(window).height(), m = !1, x = !1, p, K, k, ca = "fullpage-wrapper", l = { up: !0, down: !0, left: !0, right: !0 }, N = jQuery.extend(!0, {}, c); b.fn.fullpage.setAllowScrolling(!0); c.css3 && (c.css3 = za()); b(this).length ? (g.css({ height: "100%", position: "relative" }), g.addClass(ca)) : E("error", "Error! Fullpage.js needs to be initialized with a selector. For example: $('#myContainer').fullpage();"); b(c.sectionSelector).each(function() { b(this).addClass("fp-section") }); b(c.slideSelector).each(function() { b(this).addClass("fp-slide") }); c.navigation && qa(); b(".fp-section").each(function(a) { var d = b(this), e = b(this).find(".fp-slide"), f = e.length; a || 0 !== b(".fp-section.active").length || b(this).addClass("active"); b(this).css("height", h + "px"); (c.paddingTop || c.paddingBottom) && b(this).css("padding", c.paddingTop + " 0 " + c.paddingBottom + " 0"); "undefined" !== typeof c.sectionsColor[a] && b(this).css("background-color", c.sectionsColor[a]); "undefined" !== typeof c.anchors[a] && b(this).attr("data-anchor", c.anchors[a]); if (1 < f) { a = 100 * f; var g = 100 / f; e.wrapAll('
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